Friday, April 23, 2021

The Paths Around Panoramic Way-In Reverse


Difficulty:  Easy, with some steep paths and roads

Time: ½ hour

Start on Bancroft  Way and Piedmont Ave.   Cross Piedmont and head 1 block east on Bancroft Way to Waring  St.  Take Bancroft Steps uphill to Bancroft Way and  Prospect St.  

Bancroft Steps

Continue up Bancroft Way to Panoramic Way and turn right and go to  Lower Orchard Lane on the left.  

Start of Lower Orchard Lane

Wall in Middle of Lower Orchard Lane

Take it uphill to a wall structure and go around it to continue uphill on Lower Orchard Lane.  

Continuation of Lower Orchard Lane

When you get to Panoramic Way make a left and then a sharp right to continue on Panoramic Way.  Shortly you come to Upper Orchard Lane on the left.  

Start of Upper Orchard Lane

View from Top of Upper Orchard lane

Take it uphill to Arden Rd and turn left.  When  you get to Arden Steps on the left, take it downhill to Mosswood Rd and turn left.  

Arden Steps

After a short way you come to Mosswood Lane on the right.  

Mosswood Lane

Take it downhill back to Lower Orchard Lane .  Continue down on Lower Orchard Lane back to Panoramic Way.  Turn right and go back to Bancroft Way.  When you get to Bancroft Steps, take it downhill to Bancroft Way and continue on to the starting point at Piedmont Ave.

To take this hike in the reverse direction go here.

Monday, April 19, 2021

South on Hilldale from Marin-In Reverse

Difficulty: Hard, lots of up and down hill climbs

Time: 1 hour

This is the same hike as this one but goes in the reverse direction.  Starting at Marin Ave and Hilldale Ave, head south on Hilldale.  Turn left at Poppy Ln and after a short distance , turn left on Miller Ave.  Take Miller uphill for several blocks, passing Keeler Ave, Latham Ln, Whittaker Ave and Stevenson Ave until you reach Stoddard Path on the left. 

Start of Stoddard path

End of Stoddard Path

Take it uphill ( 85 steps plus small dirt path at end) to Grizzly Peak Blvd.    Turn right on Grizzly for several blocks.  Shortly after passing the entrance to Tlden park you reach Tilden Path on the right.  

Start of Tilden Path

End of Tilden Path

Take it downhill (137 steps) to Shasta Rd and turn right.  When you reach Shasta Path on the left, take it downhill (141 steps) to Sterling Ave and turn right.  

Shasta Path

When you come to Upper Stevenson Path on the right, take it uphill (145 steps) back to Miller Ave and turn left.  

Upper Stevenson Path

Follow Miller a short way.  Just past Whittaker Ave, take Anne Brower Path on the right uphill (86 steps) to Stevenson Ave.  

Anne Brower Path

Go left a short distance to Grizzly Peak and turn left.  When you get to Ina Coolbrith Path on the left, take it downhill (84 steps) to Miller Ave and turn right.  

Ina Coolbrith Path

Shortly after passing Latham Ln, take Poppy Path on the left downhill (87 steps) to Poppy Ln at Remillard Park.  

Poppy Path

Turn right On Poppy and when you reach  Hilldale turn right.  Take this back to the starting point at Marin Ave.